Frequently Asked Questions

Where are Babel, Prettier and ESLint configured?

ESLint, Babel and Prettier all have their own config files in the root of the project. Same for Jest and stylelint.

Where are the files coming from when I run yarn start?

In development Webpack compiles your application runs it in-memory. Only when you run yarn compile will it write to disk and preserve your bundled application across computer restarts.

How do I fix Error: listen EADDRINUSE

This simply means that there's another process already listening on port 3000. The fix is to kill the process and rerun yarn start.

OS X / Linux:

  1. Find the process id (PID):

    Shell ps aux | grep node

    This will return the PID as the value following your username:

    Shell janedoe 29811 49.1 2.1 3394936 356956 s004 S+ 4:45pm 2:40.07 node server

    Note: If nothing is listed, you can try lsof -i tcp:3000

  2. Then run

Shell kill -9 YOUR_PID

> e.g. given the output from the example above, `YOUR_PID` is `29811`, hence
> that would mean you would run `kill -9 29811`


  1. Find the process id (PID):

    Shell netstat -a -o -n

    This will return a list of running processes and the ports they're listening on:

    Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID TCP Listening 4196 ... TCP Listening 28344



  2. Then run

    Shell taskkill /F /PID YOUR_PID

    e.g. given the output from the example above, YOUR_PID is 28344, hence that would mean you would run taskkill /F /PID 28344

Issue with local caching when running in production mode (F5 / ctrl+F5 / cmd+r weird behavior)

Your production site isn't working? You update the code and nothing changes? It drives you insane?

Quick fix on your local browser:

To fix it on your local browser, just do the following. (Suited when you're testing the production mode locally)

Chrome dev tools > Application > Clear Storage > Clear site data (Chrome)

Non-route containers

Note: Container will always be nested somewhere below a route. Even if there's dozens of components in between, somewhere up the tree will be route. (maybe only "/", but still a route)

How to keep my project up-to-date with fe-react-ark?

While it's possible to keep your project up-to-date or "in sync" with FeReactArk, it's usually very difficult and is therefore at your own risk and not recommended. You should not need to do it either, as every version you use will be amazing! There is a long term goal to make this much easier but no ETA at the moment.

How to turn off Webpack performance warnings after production build?

Webpack recommends having those performance hints turned off in development but to keep them on in production. If you still want to disable them, add the next lines to the config in

performance: {
  hints: false;

You can find more information about the performance option (how to change maximum allowed size of a generated file, how to exclude some files from being checked and so on) in the Webpack documentation.