
These are some things to strictly following to a correct use of this architecture.

Special images in jsx files

If you specify your images in the .scss or .css files using the background-image property, everything will work fine. The problem comes up if you try to include images using the html tag, like meta tags, img tag or a component:

<meta property="og:image" content="img/yourimg.png" />
<img src="img/yourimg.png" alt="" />

The webpack html-loader does not recognise this as an image file and will not transfer the image to the build folder. To get webpack to transfer them, you have to import them with the file like module import in your file, e.g.:

import myImage from '../images/myimage.png';

Then webpack create a base64 url and will correctly transfer the image to the build folder.

Running tests in watch mode

When you rune the test with Jest, is reccomended to use the watch mode. If you are not confident with the Jest api, don't worry, we'll do it for you. Launch the script yarn test:watch and that's it. So you can correct any errors on your tests in real time

When in doubt, re-install

If you're facing any inexplicable problems while installing dependencies, building your project or running tests, try reinstalling dependencies. It works for most cases. Run the following commands in the exact order given:

Remove node_modules

Clear cache

Re-install dependencies

Build project

Cleaning up Jest cache

By default, Jest caches transformed modules, which may lead to faulty coverage reports. To prevent this, you'll have to clear the cache by running yarn test -- --no-cache as pointed out in Jest docs