
Table of Contents

Project Explanation

This guide was writter to explein how the generators work. We have choosen plop for create the generators.

Geneator Type

With this tool, you can generate:

  1. Initial Scaffolding
  2. Actions
  3. Api
  4. Component
  5. Mock
  6. Route
  7. Saga
  8. Subroute

The options [2, 3, 5, 7] will be available when one or more routes will be creted.

Basic command

You can run the basic command using this sintax: yarn generate

After few seconds, a menu is show to you, and you can select one of the listed voices. When select one, you will be asked a bunch of questions you can answer in order to customize the file you want to make.

Otherwise, you can launch a specific command to generate a specific file. yarn generate api

Before you launch or select any command different from boostrap, make sure you have created the scaffolding, to prevent any error on console.

Type specific command


Launch it with the syntax: yarn generate bootstrap

You can bypass the first question, by append a container name, and the generator will create for you, all the scaffolding files for starting the project

This command generates the scaffolding for the project with a name passed

yarn generate boostrap fe-architecture


Launch it with the syntax: yarn generate action

After you launch the command you will have to answer some questions before you can create the action You will have to enter:

When you create a new action global file, automatically, a reducer file is also created with rhe initial scaffolding

This is an example of generated code

import { createRequestTypes, createAction } from './index';

export const actionTypes = {
  // @generator action:type
  // @generator action:type:request

// ------------------------------------
// Actions
// ------------------------------------

// @generator action:request
export const getUserData = {
  request: request => createAction(actionTypes.GET_USER_DATA_REQUEST, { request }),
  success: (response, payload) => createAction(actionTypes.GET_USER_DATA_SUCCESS, { response, payload }),
  failure: (response, payload) => createAction(actionTypes.GET_USER_DATA_FAILURE, { response, payload }),
// @generator action
export function doGetData() {
  return {
    type: actionTypes.GET_DATA,
    payload: {},


Launch it with the syntax: yarn generate api

After you launch the command you can choose an api file, where the method will be included. This generator has only three answers. The method name, the url of the REST service and the method type. If you don't know the REST url, leave blank, and add it after. This generator, generate also the correspondent mocks file on the mocks folder.

This is an example of generated code

export async function getName(params) {
  let data;

  try {
    data = await axios({
      method: '',
      baseURL: `${API_REST_BE}/`,
      url: ``,
      data: { ...params },
      headers: { ...defaultHeaders },
    return { response: };
  } catch (error) {
    return { error: };


Launch it with the syntax: yarn generate component

After you launch the command you will have to answer some questions before you can create the component You will have to enter:

This is an example of generated code

 * Box
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import styles from './Box.scss';

class Box extends React.PureComponent {
  render() {
    return (

Box.propTypes = {
  // Add here some propTypes

Box.defaultProps = {
  // Add here some default propTypes values

export default Box;


Launch it with the syntax: yarn generate mock

After you launch the command you can choose an api file, where the mock method will be included. This generator has only three answers. The api where the mock will be injected, the url of the REST service will be mocked, the method type and the resposnse status.

This is an example of generated code

import axios from 'axios';
import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';

const mock = new MockAdapter(axios);

mock.onPost('/my_mock_api').reply(200, {

// @generator mock:method

export default mock;


Launch it with the syntax: yarn generate route

After you launch the command you will have to answer some questions before you can create the route You will have to enter:


Launch it with the syntax: yarn generate saga

After you launch the command you will have to answer some questions before you can create the saga You will have to enter:

This is an example of generated code

import { all, put, takeEvery, fork } from 'redux-saga/effects';

const delay = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));

function* getUser() {

// @generator saga

// @generator saga:watch
function* watchGetUser() {


  yield all([
    // @generator saga:fork


Launch it with the syntax: yarn generate subroute

After you launch the command you will have to answer some questions before you can create the route You will have to enter: